Undergraduate Courses


Approximately 100 students enter the Department of Informatics every year after taking the Panhellenic Admission Examinations. Also, 10% of the number of accepted students may consist of students who have graduated from other departments of Greek Universities or equivalent institutions abroad.

The duration of the studies in the Department of Informatics is 8 semesters, each of which lasts 16 weeks: 13 weeks of classes and 3 weeks of examinations.

1ˢᵗ Semester


Basic Sets, Real Numbers – Axioms of Real numbers – Euclidean spaces, Sequences, Monotony, Subsequence, Convergence, Numerical Series, Convergence Criteria: ...

Computers and the Humanities

Information Society. Information Technology. Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom. The Internet. The World Wide Web. Virtual Information Environments. Virtual L...

Introduction to Computer Science

Introduction to Information Science. History of Computers. The von Neumann model of computer. Bits and bytes, binary numbers, text and multimedia binary repr...

Introduction to Programming

Short introduction to Informatics and Computer Science. The notion of algorithm as a finite sequence of instructions for the solution of problems and the not...

Linear Algebra

Cartesian products, Relations, Algebraic structures, Tables, Matrix operations, Reverse Matrix, Inverse Matrix. Determinants and their properties, Linear sys...

2ⁿᵈ Semester

Business Administration

Organization Theory, What is an organization, Dimensions of Organization Design, Organization Strategy, Fitting Design/ Goals to Strategy, Effectiveness vs. ...

Computer Programming

Top-down techniques, modular, and structured engineering for the production of large programs. Advanced dynamic data structures, basic file processing techni...

Data Structures

The basic target of this course is the study of fundamental data structures and algorithms. More specifically, this study contains some theoretical issues as...

Discrete Mathematics

Recursive problems: Hanoi Tower, plane partition, Flavious Josephus problem. Fundamental combinatorial analysis: basic principles, combinatorics formations. ...

Theory of Probability

The probability concept. Classical and empirical definition of probability. Conditional probability and independence. Bayes law. Combinatorial analysis. The ...

3ʳᵈ Semester

Computer Architecture

Introduction to computer architecture. Digital logic, combinatorial and sequential logical circuits. Instruction set architectures. Instruction types, machin...


Cryptology and Cryptology. Classical ciphers; Security and Cryptanalysis. Monoalphabetical ciphers; Polyalphabetic ciphers. Absolute security; One-Time Pad; ...

Human-Computer Interaction

User needs, human-centered design, and interaction design. Design and development of interactive prototypes. Methods and techniques for user evaluation.

Introduction to the Theory of Computing

Entropy, relative entropy. The second law of thermodynamics. «Asymptotic equipartition» property. Entropy and stochastic processes. Data compression. Optima...

Object Oriented Programming

Introduction to the notion of Object Oriented Programming. Basic notions of Java: variables, data, calculations. Branching structures, arrays. Classes, objec...


Sampling theory, Random samples, Random numbers. Description of statistical data with arrays and graphics, Frequency array, Histogram. Analysis of Variance. ...

4ᵗʰ Semester


The notions of algorithm and complexity. Basic notions of algorithm analysis. Mathematical background. Techniques for solving recursive equations. Techniques...

Teaching Informatics

General aspects: Informatics in Education. ICT as a means of knowledge, research and learning in various scientific disciplines. Basic concepts and terminolo...

Mobile and Social Media

Social Computing. Computer Supported Collaborative Work. Space-Time taxonomy. Social Media Apps. Mobile Computing. Mobile Apps.

Databases I

Review of relational database systems. Physical issues in DBMSs. Storage media. ER Modeling and Design. EER Modeling and Design. Normalization Forms. Relatio...

Introduction to Information Systems

The System concept. Principles of General Systems Theory. Soft and Hard Systems Methodologies. The Checkland Soft Systems Methodology (Rich Picture, CATWOE A...

Networks I

Telecommunications and Networks. Signals (analog-digital), data transmission principles, data encoding. Transmission media: twisted pair cables, coaxial cabl...

Networks II

Design and development of high-speed networks. Physical Transmission Media in high speed networks. Frame Relay Networks. ATM networks. Virtual circuit switch...

Computer security and data protection

Introduction to Computer and Information Security: Definitions, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Risks. Logical Access Control: User AUthentication (Passwords, Chal...

Special Topics in Systems Security

Database security; computer forensics. Special topics in Network Security: Mobile and Wireless Network security. Special topics in Communications and Distrib...

5ᵗʰ Semester

Computer Graphics

Basic concepts of computer graphics and applications, History, Vector / Raster graphics, Graphics pipeline, 2d Raster algorithms: line, circle, ellipse, Alia...

Databases II

Advanced SQL – PL SQL. Object-oriented and object-relational systems. File storage and Indexing (B-trees, B+ trees, Hashing, BitMap). Query processing and op...

Digital Image Processing

Introduction to Digital Image Processing, Digital Image Representation, Digital Image Processing Systems, Digital Image Capture, Segmentation and Automatic I...

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to the Entrepreneurship and Innovation concepts. Business Environment. Innovation and Creativity process. Innovation Assessment Methods and Tool...

Mathematical Programming

Formulation of linear programming models: objective function, constraints, standard maximization and minimization problems. Feasibility, unboundness, multipl...


Hypermedia, participatory media, virtual reality, interactive narrative, interactivity. Multimedia system design. Entertainment and Educational Multimedia. G...

Operating Systems

Basic notions of an Operating System (OS), OS structure. Processes: model and implementation. Interprocess communication, process scheduling. Memory Manageme...

6ᵗʰ Semester

Artificial Inteligence

Aim and scope of AI. Historical data. Problem Solving. Search. Blind and informed Search. Adversarial Search. Propositional Logic. Predicate Logic. Reasoning...


Introduction to compilation of computer programs. General-purpose programming languages and domain specific languages (DSLs). Lexical analysis and token extr...

Distributed Network Systems

RPC, JAVA RMI, CORBA technologies. Threads, Synchronization. Distributed processing from the software perspective. Communications Middleware, remote procedur...

Decision Support Systems

Introduction to decision theory, Decision support systems and their role in the decision making processes of organizations, Decision support systems architec...

Information Retrieval

Information Retrieval Models, Automatic Indexing and Storage of Information, Text Retrieval and Representation, Text Compression, Text Clustering, Indexing, ...

Internet Technologies

Client side programming: HTML, HTML5 and JavaScript. Server-side programming: Web Servers, structure and operation. The PHP scripting language. Internet Data...

Patern Recognition

Methods and pattern recognition systems, Limitation in accuracy of recognition reliability, Guided learning and self-learning, Distance Functions. Linear and...

Software Engineering

Software lifecycle. Software development methods. System design and architecture. User Interface Software Technology. System Maintainance. Collaborative grou...

7ᵗʰ Semester

Big Data Management Technologies

This course focuses on the concept of “Big data” and studies modern techniques and storage platforms for their management at Internet scale. Specifically, du...

Logic Programming

Procedural and declarative programming differences. Programming according to predicate logic. Propositional logic. Entailment and proof methods in propositio...

Management of IT Projects

Introduction to Project Management, Project Proposal Writing, Project Profiling, Project Phases and Organization, Understanding and Meeting Client Expectatio...

Simulation and Modelling

Dynamical systems. Theoretical models and modeling strategies. Evolution in time and space. Scale effects and multi-scale modeling. Explicit models for compu...

Social and Legal Issues of ICTs

Legal Aspects of Information Society Services. Anonymity and Privacy, Personal and Sensitive Data Protection. Electronic Commerce, e-Transactions and Consume...