Introduction to Programming

Short introduction to Informatics and Computer Science. The notion of algorithm as a finite sequence of instructions for the solution of problems and the notion of programming languages as a rigorous means of algorithm expression. The “C” language, its main characteristics, and the compilation and execution process of programs. The program structure in “C”, the basic programming commands and the flow control commands of the language. Simple data types, variable declaration, operators, and expressions. Arrays (of one or more dimensions), search and sorting in arrays. Elementary data structures, abstract data types, structures and unions. Pointers, relation between pointers and arrays, strings and pointers, type conversion, pointers to records, dynamic memory allocation. Linear lists, simply connected lists, queues, stacks, doubly connected lists. Trees and graphs, binary search trees. Programming Lab (Chosen language: “C”).
Code Hours Type eClass Semester
ΗΥ100 4 Compulsory e-Class 1


  • ““C Προγραμματισμός”, 7η Έκδοση, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Εκδόσεις Χ. ΓΚΙΟΥΡΔΑ & ΣΙΑ ΕΕ, ISBN 978-960-512-6414, 2014 (in greek)”
  • “C: Aπό τη Θεωρία στην Εφαρμογή”, 2η Έκδοση, Γ. Σ. Τσελίκης, Ν. Δ. Τσελίκας, Εκδότης ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΤΣΕΛΙΚΑΣ, ISBN 978-960-93-1961-4, 2012 (in greek)”