Object Oriented Programming

Introduction to the notion of Object Oriented Programming. Basic notions of Java: variables, data, calculations. Branching structures, arrays. Classes, objects and Inheritance in Java. Interaction Environments in Java. The notion of exception and the various exception handling methods. Building Applets and the use of data input/output techniques. Execution threads and parallel programming in Java. Java graphics and animation. Java and web programming. Programming Lab (Chosen language: “Java”).
Code Hours Type eClass Semester
ΗΥ130 4 Compulsory e-Class 3


  • ““Java προγραμματισμός”, 10η Έκδοση, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Εκδόσεις Χ. ΓΚΙΟΥΡΔΑ ΣΙΑ ΕΕ, ISBN 978-960-512-6810, 2015 (in greek)”
  • ““Java Introduction to modern technology”, Greanier Todd, Giourdas Publications, ISBN 960-512-460-2, 2005 (in greek)”